EPM Packaging, Inc.

Pharmaceutical Packaging and Repackaging Services

Controlled Substance

Controlled Substance Repackaging

EPM Packaging, Inc. is fully licensed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (“DEA”) to receive, process and ship Schedule 2, 3, 3N, 4 and 5 controlled substances. EPM Packaging is a registered repackager with the Food and Drug Administration and is inspected by the FDA regularly as required by law to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

EPM Packaging has a long history of SUCCESSFUL controlled substance repackaging and a stellar record of compliance with Controlled Substance Act (“CSA”) regulations. We have a DEA-approved controlled substance packaging storage area, or cage/vault, monthly inventory reconciliations and successful completion of all DEA inspections.

Highly trained personnel advanced packaging equipment and over 25 years of experience enable EPM Packaging to process multiple projects while maintaining the highest standard of quality.

Quality is Assured™